Our Program

Workshop Topic - Effective Team Building: "Cook" With Your Team

Effective Team Building:

A fun and bonding team cookery experience combined with analysis, development and review of team dynamics. The programme combines theoretical team learning with the hands-on experience of planning, cooking and sharing a gourmet meal together.

The key drivers include creating unity, mutual understanding, igniting team spirit, developing the ability to listen, co-ordinating tasks, encouraging co-operation, task related interactive team-work, completing tasks timeously, innovation, goal-setting, keeping to schedule, and, of course, lots of fun and laughs.

Program Highlights:



Preparation Grouping and warm up

Trainer uses energizer to warm up the team.

Orientation Quick review of Team Building Skills

Ice breaking

  • To enhance the training atmosphere, encourage mutual support & care.
  • Reinforce the knowledge of team-building before team members starting the activities.

Team task challenge

  • Participants will be divided into groups and complete a series of small team task exercises
  • The leading role will be rotated to enhance the participation and sense of group

Achieving alignment of team and individual vision and objective

  • To compromise self opinion with group decision
  • To promote mutual respect and appreciation during the discussion
  • To execute the plan with high cooperation and positive attitude


What I have done well and what I need to do more. Each group has a number of requirements to meet

Cultivation of greater sense of responsibility and leadership skills in each individual team member

  • Point out the importance to face the challenges and insecure feeling in a positive way
  • Emphasis everyone’s responsibility in the team

Cook with the Team

Participants can make their own strategy to achieve the highest score with the time limited

Fostering team communication, mutual trust and better understanding in face of the individual’ s responsibility and challenges ahead

  • To reflect the important leadership & communication skills in facing the series of challenges
  • To understand the importance of trust & care in the team
  • To promote the sense of team spirit by taking the responsibility and encouraging each other

Food Tasting

Trainer will give ratings on the taste & presentation on the dishes.
To give feedback on team communication & spirit.


  • Highlights on teamwork performance
  • Share the “3-2-1” learning formula

Appreciative handshake closing

Using appreciative mindset to complement each other.


Last Workshop: Adversity and Change Management Next Workshop: Coaching Skills

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